Thursday, June 12, 2008

Anyone else still using Spottt?

As I was doing my daily EntreCard drops I noticed one of my ads but it wasn't part of the Entrecard widget. It was part of the Spottt widget. Strange. Ok it is only strange because I have not taken the time to remove myself from the service and eradicate the code from my blogs and web sites.

So I decided to investigate my statistics through the Spottt network. In the last 30 days I averaged over 2,000 impressions per ad. Not bad. However I averaged 3.5 clicks. Not very good.

I can update my ads so they are more interesting and potentially will earn more clicks or I can call Spottt a waste of ad space and quit using them.

Back to the title of this post....Is anyone still using Spottt? Let me know.


lupusiosity said...

I too, have wondered the same thing about leaving Spottt on my blog or not. I've had many page impressions, but not many clicks vs. the success I've had using Entrecard.

Lord Story said...

Wow,me too pal...
I've only 2 clicks in one month
But now I'm trying to put sexy picture in the widget and it do add more clicks to my site although I know it is not an effective one haha

Kathy said...

If anyone has alternative ways of advertising I am game. I am really tired of entrecard.