Friday, September 10, 2010

The recent gas line explosion made me think

In reading about the explosion due to a gas line break in California, a thought occurred to me.  Most people don't have an action plan to turn to if they are in a crisis.  Part of the story was about a woman who returned home to discover it on fire and didn't know where to look for her father and husband. 

Of course the moral of the story is to have a place where you and your family can rendezvous. Multiple locations would be ideal.  Depending on the situation the type of crisis would dictate the location.  A very localized crisis could mean that you meet at a nearby restaurant.  While a larger disaster might mean you meet at a motel in a different state or maybe a relative's house out of state.

These are just a few ideas to get you started on a crisis action plan.  Happy disaster preparation.   

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