Saturday, October 25, 2008

Modifying WordPress templates

mI have a couple of blogs running on WordPress but sometimes the templates that I find just don't meet my expectations. So then I begin to tinker. Playing with the CSS is usually not a big deal for me but trying to figure out PHP is a challenge.

Yesterday, I bit the bullet and started messing with the PHP files for I actually had success and didn't break it once! The template had static widget built into it that I wanted gone. I remarked out the offending code and got exactly the results that I wanted.

Look out template makers! I have become emboldened and willing to bend your templates to meet my will.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

£8.00 paid out from, finally.

After quite a wait finally came through with payment. I was paid a £5.00 sign up bonus and £3.00 for displaying a single ad. At the current conversion rate to dollars, I received $13.59.

I am planning on adding a few more ads so I can bump up the monthly payment. Although getting them to accept additional blogs has been difficult.

FYI: I don't know if they are still offering the sign up bonus anymore